Membership benefits
Unlimited Content
Access to 10,000+ agency case studies, editorial, trend reports, interviews and thought leadership articles.
Pin and save any site content and create numerous Pinboards to share, explore and collaborate with your team.
With a fully searchable platform, choose exactly which content is relevant and set up personalised alerts, saving valuable time.
Projects Tool
Use a time-saving “drag and drop” tool to engage, brief and manage the agency selection process in a highly agile way.
Research shows that curiosity and creativity drives better commercial outcomes
Businesses that are curious to the ever-changing landscape and seamlessly connect their teams to the industry’s most exciting creativity are those that consistently generate the best creative output.
92% of people in a Harvard Business Review survey credited curiosity as a catalyst for high performance, job satisfaction, motivation and innovation, yet only 24% of employees feel curious in their job on a regular basis.
Why Creativebrief
Having researched the market extensively, brands were telling us they don’t spend enough time looking outward, don’t have the time to keep pace with change and have teams that share information but not insight, therefore they lack a sharp creative edge.
Creativebrief helps progressive brands keep up to date and connect with the best agencies and creative talent in the market. Doing it all without the need for multiple subscription payments or hundreds of hours searching for inaccessible or irrelevant content.
The marketing intelligence platform does it all via one subscription, and all in one place. And in a format that is easy to access, digest and share.
Helping ambitious brands
The platform develops your team at all levels
Driving individual performance
With finger-on-the-pulse content that’s all in one place, allowing curious minds to develop.
Fostering a culture of curiosity and creativity
By learning from others and pushing the boundaries of marketing excellence and better creativity.
Creating commercial advantage
Via a single platform solution that drives curiosity, builds stronger connections and enables quicker decision-making, all at a low-cost per user.
Annual membership packages
10 users
- Unlimited content
- Use of Pinboards
- Personalised alerts
- Up to 10 users
30 users
- Unlimited content
- Use of Pinboards
- Personalised alerts
- Up to 30 users
100 users
- Unlimited content
- Use of Pinboards
- Personalised alerts
- Up to 100 users
200 users
- Unlimited content
- Use of Pinboards
- Personalised alerts
- Up to 200 users